Die Stubenalm im Nebel auf dem Weg hoch zum Gipfel des Watzmann in Berchtesgaden

Hearty snack at the Stubenalm on the Watzmann mountain

If you want to climb the Hocheck from the Watzmann, or just hike to the Watzmannhaus, you will inevitably pass the Stubenalm on the Watzmann. A small alpine hut with a magnificent view over the surrounding countryside around Ramsau and the Berchtesgarden National Park. The economy invites with its coziness to a small snack or a cold drink to refresh. The menu is kept simple and clear. The prices of the snacks or drinks like coffee, tea or lemonade are reasonable. Compared to the Mitterkaseralm, which follows later, the prices here are somewhat cheaper. You can find my article about the Mitterkaseralm here.

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Where is the Stubenalm at Watzmann?

The Stubenalm is located at an altitude of about 1145 meters on the hiking trail up to the Watzmann. From the Hammerstiel hiking parking lot, in 83471 Schönau am Königssee, it is about 2 hours on the well-known Alpine Club Trail 444 up to the alpine hut. From the parking lot at the Wimbachbrücke, in 83486 Ramsau, the walk via trail 441 is also about 2 hours. The Stubenalm on the Watzmann is the first of the inns on the way to the Watzmannhaus and on to the summit of the Watzmann Mountains. These so-called Kaser huts invite you to have a snack or a refreshing drink.

The second alpine hut on the Watzmann trail, the Mitterkaser Alm, is about a 2.5 hour hike from the Wimbachbrücke parking lot. From the Hammerstiel hiking parking lot via the Schapachalm, it is about a 3-hour walk.

The entrance sign of the Stubenalm at the Watzmann.

When does the Stubenalm open?

The Stubenalm is open from Tuesday to Sunday from 10.00 am, in the summer months. On Mondays, the alpine hut has a day of rest and is therefore closed for a stop and a rest. So if you plan to climb the Watzmann on Mondays, you will have to continue to the Watzmannhaus. The Mitterkaseralm on the Watzmann, about an hour away, is also closed on Mondays.

The Stubenalm at the Watzmann near Nebel.

The menu of the Stubenalm at Watzmann

From the well-known Bavarian Brotzeit to wheat beer, wine or schnapps, the Stubenalm at the Watzmann offers a small but fine range of popular classics of the Alm cuisine. Bacon and brawn come from the regional butcher. The bread is baked in a nearby bakery. The cheese, also called Kas, and the butter come from our own raw milk production.


Bacon bread (Speckbrot)5,00 €
Aspic bread (Sülzenbrot)5,00 €
Semi-hard cheese bread (Almkasbrot – Schnittkäse)5,00 €
Schüsselkasbrot5,00 €
Bread with soft cheese preserved in oil (Woachkasbrot – Weichkäse in Öl eingelegt)5,00 €
Bread and butter (Butterbrot)2,50 €
2 different breads (Gemischtes Brot – 2 Sorten)5,50 €
3 different breads (Gemischtes Brot – 3 Sorten)6,00 €
Bread for 2 persons (Brotzeit für 2 Personen – Gemischte Brote für 2 Personen)15,00 €
Cake (Kuchen)
The menu of the Stubenalm at the Watzmann (2022)


1 glass of mountain farm milk (1 Glas Bergbauernmilch)1,50 €
1 glass buttermilk (1 Glas Buttermilch)2,50 €
Coffee (Kaffee)
Tea (Tee)
Lemonade and cola (Spezi)2,80 €
Lemonade (Limonade)2,80 €
Currant spritzer (Johannisschorle)2,80 €
Apple spritzer (Apfelschorle)2,80 €
Elderberry spritzer (Hollerschorle)2,80 €
Water (Wasser)2,20 €
Beer (Bier)3,30 €
Shandy (Radler)3,30 €
White beer (Weißbier)3,80 €
White beer, non-alcoholic (Weißbier, alkoholfrei)3,80 €
Wheat beer with lemonade (Russen)3,80 €
White beer lemon, non-alcoholic (0,33 l) (Weißbier Zitrone, alkoholfrei)2,80 €
Wine (0,25 l) (Wein)3,50 €
Schnapps (Schnaps)2,20 €
The drinks menu of the Stubenalm at the Watzmann (2022)
Coffee time at the Stubenalm at the Watzmann.
Bacon bread at the Stubenalm on the Watzmann mountain.
Blick von der Stubenalm hoch zum Watzmann in Berchtesgaden
The breathtaking view from the Stubenalm up to the Watzmann in Berchtesgaden.

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