Cast iron pan on cotton tablecloth

Simple rules for cast iron pans

For cast iron pans, just as for standard wrought iron pans, there are some very simple rules that every kitchen beginner and amateur chef should know. With proper handling and care, you can enjoy your faithful wrought iron or cast iron pan for a lifetime, because this is exactly a big advantage over other pans. A cast iron or wrought iron pan is virtually indestructible. The emphasis is on the three words “as good as”, because, of course, there are important rules to follow even with this kitchen utensil.

What is the difference between a cast iron pan and a wrought iron pan?

The cast iron pan is 97% iron and 3% carbon. A wrought iron pan is 99% iron and 1% carbon. A cast iron frying pan heats up more slowly than the wrought iron alternative, but maintains the temperature for a long period of time. In the case of the wrought iron frying pan, the effect is exactly the opposite. This type of pan can be heated much faster, but also stores the temperature reached only briefly and quickly loses heat.

Why is it necessary to bake a cast iron pan?

By nature, a cast iron skillet is probably the worst type of pan to fry food in because the structure of the pan will cause any food to burn on the bottom of the pan. With the process of baking, the surface of the pan is changed so that you can use the pan for frying without fear of burnt food. The process of baking is achieved with oil and heat. Through a chemical reaction, the fat molecules adhere to the iron molecules, forming a common chemical polymer on the surface. Several of these layers later line the inside surface of your pan, preventing your food from sticking to the bottom of the pan and burning because the molecules and compounds are water repellent.

How to properly burn in a pan?

To properly bake your cast iron frying pan or wrought steel skillet, you should first clean the surface of the pan. You can remove dirt or rust with some steel wool and soap. Then wash the pan thoroughly, dry it with a towel and heat it so that the moisture evaporates completely.

Now you can wet the frying pan with oil. It is best to use a kitchen towel or paper towel, drip some oil into the pan or onto the towel and then smear the inside of the pan with the towel. Once the inner surface of the pan is covered with a thin film of oil, you can heat the pan until the oil evaporates. So you need a high temperature. After heating and evaporating the oil, repeat the process several times.

It is important to note that if your pan shows brown spots after baking, you have used too much oil. Only with a thin layer of oil, more heat and longer time you can burn the pan properly.

Alternatively, you can wet the inside and outside of your pan with oil and heat it in the oven for an hour. Be sure to wipe off any excess oil on the surface with a kitchen towel. The coarse pores of the iron surface will absorb enough oil for baking.

Which oil is the best to burn in?

Each oil has a different chemical structure. The best oil for burning in a pan has the highest possible amount of carbon-carbon double bonds, since it is at these compounds that polymerization takes place. Every oil has some amount of these double bonds, but canola oil is much better for baking because the number of compounds is much higher compared to olive oil.

However, it is also important to know that too high a content of carbon double bonds can complicate the process of baking, as the polymerization works too effectively and so the layer created can peel off later.

In summary, you should use a good canola oil for baking. Olive oil is also possible, but works a little worse. You should stay away from highly unsaturated oils like germ oil or flaxseed oil, there might be too many carbon-carbon double bonds in the oil and complicate the process of baking again.

How to properly wash a cast iron pan?

To clean your cast iron pan after cooking, you should wash it by hand in the sink. Dish soap and detergent may also be used here, and will not harm your pan in the least. The low pH in today’s soap and detergent makes it suitable for use on cast iron and wrought iron pans.

The biggest mistake when washing an iron pan is not drying the pan or soaking it with water. Since the oil layer in the pan contains tiny holes, water molecules can hit the bare iron. The water on the iron will cause your pan to start rusting. The worst thing that can happen to an iron pan. So never leave the pan in contact with water for a long time. To prevent rusting, always dry your pans after washing them and heat them briefly in the oven or on the hotplate.

How to remove rust from an iron pan?

Your iron skillet has started to rust? Don’t panic! You can remove the rust from the pan with steel wool and a little washing-up liquid and then rinse it with clean water. Now make sure that you dry the pan properly and heat it briefly so that the water evaporates completely.

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